Sun glistened streaks of orange and pinks as it slid over the hill.
Eight of us gathered for fine dining under the stars serenaded by
an orchestra medley of Beatles songs. The table was set with china,
crystal, candelabra with the crown of three forks on our left.
Jim had won the lottery ticket for this festive Chef’s table from his 
Chef’s Association.

Quickly gathered friends and family for this fun event. Three women
without their spouses, a gay chef friend, our daughter Holly and husband
Chris and us. A motley mix ready to enjoy the ride. Three chefs expertly
served the four courses deftly prepared with wine and champagne lavishly
flowing under the stars. A slice of heaven on earth. Wish I could recall
what we ate. I remember the laughter, the toasts, and “Hey Jude”.

Holly and Molly all giggly from the bubbly escorted me to the line of blue
and white soldiers at attention for the guests. They led me in the dark through
tall uneven grass all three stumbling. I got shoved through the door but screamed, 
“Someone is in here!” We didn’t knock but he didn’t lock. Holly and Molly doubled
over with laughter as he said, “Come on in! The more the merrier!”