You come with the glory of morning 
“Dada! Can I work out with you? 
Maybe I’ll just watch this time.” 

At three you asked me to explain the Trinity 
We are both confused 

Dusk— we mine our imaginations 
the labyrinth made from Pinocchio’s lies 
the grasshopper afraid to jump 
the elephant, the water park, the mountain 
“That’s just part one, okay?” 

When I leave too early 
you FaceTime your displeasure 
and guard your heart 
when I work too late 

My frequently used emojis are as follows:

At two you cracked eggs
without breaking yolk 
And when you wanted me to agree 
you said you prayed and God said yes

4, 8, 12, 16, 20-1/5th 
Of the father I want to be  
To my warrior princess, pea pod, baby girl, snuggle buckets (“don’t call my that!”)
My Joy