Poetry is perfect
please like me
please like my poetry
poetry is therapy
poetry is life
life is fleeting
life is crazy
crazy complicated
crazy to predict
predict my failure
predict my success
success is undefined
success is brief
briefly here
briefly high
high on dopamine
high on accolades
accolades for nothing
accolades for something
something that took years
something that took decades
decades of loneliness
decades of fear
fear of rejection
fear of regret
regret for things undone
regret for songs unspoken
unspoken prayers
unspoken love
love for others
love of hidden beauty
beauty imperfect
beauty from ashes
ashes of facades
ashes still burning
burning with tears
burning with hope
hope for present
hope for future
future of triumph
triumph over depression
triumph over inner voices
voices that degrade
voices that destroy
destroy potential
destroy peace
peace that is perfect
peace that is mine