Post Talent Show Ride Home

Darkness settles on the landscape.
The stage of laughter empties of performers
elated from their ball-filled successes.
The winner, a semi-demented, scantily
and unflatteringly dressed ball sales person,
another a referee and teacher of all things balls
with a funny and informative slide show who sang
a ball song, another, ball-less because of testicular
cancer,  got fewer laughs because he dressed like a clown
and two coaches who didn’t make sense.

Someone announces the Biden-Trump debate
is a debacle, Biden’s balls are stuck in his craw
unable to speak he stands in defeat
and Trump’s balls rattle like loose bearings
in the head of a maraca.

The long drive home the car’s radio stations
devoid of music only the voices of ineptitude,
insanity, old age and forgetfulness resound from the speakers.
I listen to the present, past and future leaders
of my country publicly profess their stupidity
shake my head and say to myself how fortunate
the contestants for this evening’s talent contest
didn’t have to compete against these two idiots.