I have entered the slow pacing 

between past long future 

& present short time 

embracing now gently preparing 

to do less I strategize: 


1  prepare studio

2  wash dishes 

3  paint silk 

4  cook supper

5 repurpose old clothes


from here on out


6 do laundry 

7 design wearables

8 plant flowers

9 perform: The Fabric of Decay

10 weed


I have entered slow pacing


11 send out poems  

12 grandkids visit

13 seek publisher

14 sweep

15 publish next anthology: 

           Community Connected Poetry


embracing gently walking slowly 


16 clean bathroom

17  organize workshop: Defining Privilege 

18 exercise 

19 attend Opioid Abatement Commission meetings

20 meditate


from here on out

an end journey begins