I want to write about happiness
human triumph that speaks to us all.
Some rousing thought that inspires us
to be more than we are.

What is written is mostly ugly
it contains the truth I know
filled with injustices witnessed beyond control
that sees a spilled can of paint as a muddle
rather than accidental art.

Or as a problem to be analyzed and fixed
with a dumb as a bag full of hammers
one size fits all mentality.  

Then references to Dachau
or someone cast in the role at Baranowicze
or how Frankl might rationalize it
rather than the simplicity of emotion
as a father has while playing with his child. 

The joy found today in my new grandson
sleeping on my chest
takes me back to when my own sons
tucked in my robe cooing
while my love for them
pushed away everything else.