maybe after a brunch shift?
after you left your dishes on the table?
or after you said “no” to 15% gratuity. 

rude isn’t how i would describe this place. 

the place where you stumble upon three regulars in an evening,
or should i say former regulars,
the women who i used to serve, who would regulate me, 
ask me how i was doing and not just what they wanted. 

the place where we visited beans (the cat) on her death bed,
perched on a chair in the florist,
looking out onto the greenhouse she called hers,
staff given time to say goodbye to the very best member of the team. 

the place where i return after my lover leaves town,
and i need to cry,
need to be held by a dear friend, pretzels in hand,
and told “i love you to death.”

so pocket the word rude, 
replace it with loving
& tip your fucking servers.