No little league baseball games
I’m trying to attend today.
There is a tournament in Louisville
which is doable
just a commitment
I don’t have the energy for this weekend;
I’ll catch the next one.

Neither is there a maintenance check
to turn free time inside out,
not that the apartment
has gotten messy
since the last unwelcomed visit.
Tidying up today
would only take a few moments.

Haven’t had to work a Saturday in months,
a vast improvement
from last year’s
all Saturdays on deck approach
to a scary audit the warehouse needed to pass.
That same audit was last week;
no one was worried.

In fact,
any errand I can say needs running
is one more opportunity
to do something for myself.

If I get a wild hair
to go get a haircut,
I might see a barber
for the first time in years.
Sometimes you need a drastic change
to shake off yesterday;
facilitate new life chapters.

Might get myself a new outfit,
an attempt to feel fresh.
When’s the last time I shopped for me?
Then I can get a load of laundry done
(guess there is one errand that needs doing)
but there’s always Sunday,
especially if I just decide

to try out that restaurant I’ve been curious about
or order for delivery that comfort food
and never get out of my pajamas.
Beer at noon?
It happens when you work night shift;
today is no different
sitting in the cool summer air.

Anything I could do today
is all somehow for the betterment of me,
so who cares if it’s a slow start Saturday?
It’s nothing but the beginning of a self-care weekend.