Walking through this crowded fair 
Seeing people I went to elementary school with,
Wondering how we all got here,
Watching a kid throw a ball and win a fish,
And I think of little me who begged to play that 20 times,
Waiting to leave until after dark
So I can stare at all of the pretty lights
The sound of rides, laughter, and screams

I write about this year after year,
And no matter how old I get
I’ll look forward to the fair every year–
Greasy, deep fried food
Loud cars on the dirt track
Getting dizzy on the rides
Spending way too much money on games
The summer heat making everyone sticky
It’s a little escape
Back into my childhood,
My parents still together, walking but
Barely able to keep up with me
Me begging to come back tomorrow
A little piece of me I’ll never let go of