inspired by a recent prompt, posted by Accents Publishing, suggesting that one take words and phrases from a book of poetry’s table of contents, create a title then take words and phrases from at least fifteen poems in that book and create a poem from there. I attempted this using Nikky Finney’s Head Off & Split.



The words pay your Indian Head,

were poised in the corner of her slightly parted lips

ready to be spoken as gently as if it was the last time,

more delicate than lace, more articulate than ivory keys,

by a woman with pom pom legs.

The elder woman, in her favorite sitting chair,

chewing down an old bone,

stated to her lover,

guillotined and gutted

would he be

if cheating took place

in the apple of the kitchen

blooming around her.

Her fists balled in sweet anticipation

for the moment when the three heads

united, loved and departed.