-For Josh and Tish

You left the East to head out West
And face a different clime
Behind were friends and family
Some thought you’d lost your minds

Undaunted by a brave new world
The likes you’d never known
Like true Americans of the past
You made the land your own

With Fina as your trusted guide
The trip was trippy, man
The ups and downs and lefts and rights
No bfd in Vanagan

The prairie songs from wheat, like harps
Played tunes so true and light
You blew right through the Midwest heart
Aimed for Portland’s spangled nights

Instead of folding up your dreams
Those dreams unfolded you
Loves and life thought left behind
Became all shiny new

The wheel spun down then back around
When destiny you faced
By reaching out to spin again
You realized, you’re safe

Your saga, dearest boy and girl,
Has only just begun
You’ll dance and love, grow and twirl
Silver Scherezades in misty sun