For Dayana

Yesterday, the Volcan de Fuego,
Volcano of Fire, erupted for the second time
this year, proclastic flows of lava, debris
in avalanches, smoke rose, and ash fell
on Guatemala City where you live,
ash closing the international airport.

Today, I have tried to call you to get a report,
an update on how you and the family are. I’ve
not been able to get through, but that can only tell
me that disaster emergencies are in place. I see
you in my dreams, safe. I write these lines that rhyme,
dedicated to you. It is a way for me to show you

I care what goes on in Guatemala more
now that you live there with your extended family–
more then I ever imagined I would,
having only visited one time,
the time I was an obvious tourist,
and you were my interpreter.