Trans day of deep shuddering breaths
Trans day of walking down the street
Trans day of not being able to explain
Trans day of not reading the news right now
Trans day of the news gathering darkness as it goes unread
Trans day of randomly staring off out into space
Trans day of not being sure whether to trust anyone
Trans day of never being flat enough
Trans day of eyes like knives
Trans day of existence that flickers like a campfire
Trans day of just be yourself
Trans day of I take it back
Trans day of no one is trying to kill you they just don’t care if you die
Trans day of the structure of the universe asks us to protect eachother
Trans day of I’m fine I’m cool I’m fine
Trans day of invisible fires that never go out
Trans day of pure beauty that no one else will stop to see

Trans day of uncontrollable laughter
Trans day of structure of love solid as rock
Trans day of always looking out for one another even when nothing’s wrong
Trans day of direct access to divinity
Trans day of angelic clarity of missions
Trans day of the unkillable smile
Trans day of the wilderness doesn’t care what anyone calls it
Trans day of good food we made together
Trans day of playing with animals
Trans day of everyday life being a show of pride
Trans day of spinning in circles whirling and whirling
Out beyond any boundaries they draw for us.