I dream about walking through my house 
Not my real house , but a double of mine-
After doing some internal adjustments I can tell 
 I’m inside an apartment inside a house.
This place has awful suicide lighting
I’m just a few degrees away from where I was
But the distance is unbridgeable, so it never mattered. 

The line between knowing and unknowing is kinetic ,
It has it’s limits, but the limits are unknowable and so invisible. 
I won’t know I’ve reached the border til I’ve surpassed it 
A watercolor of the sea hangs upside down.
Houses are individuals. Apartments are intruders

In this house , there’s a table w one chair. 
In this life I must be alone. 
In this life, I’m radiaclly alone and alive. 
I peel fruit w the big knife you gave me 
Though I don’t handle it the way I really do, palm flat
No, this me has long hair , she is less sexy than I am, but more feminine
Her beauty is refined like the edge a knife
She’s got vesitages of my memories
She never sleeps but pretends to 
I know this , anyhow , just by  looking
If you listen hard by the window 
Harder than you’ve listened to anything in months , maybe years 
You can hear the sigh of the sea 
Even after I set the watercolor right side up 
I  still can’t banish the inverted tide from my mind 
The windowpanes are a miror in the night 
It’s not this place that’s strange,  but the one I’m returning to
Sometimes you talk in your sleep 
I’ve never asked you what you dream of 
I’ve always respected your privacy 
And what could be more private than a dream