I’ve always hated funerals
The tears and silences I understand
But they still weigh down
Like granite
And there are always people you don’t know
Don’t remember
But you can’t get to know them
You have to talk of the dead
Or not talk at all

So I don’t want a funeral
I want to be burned into feathery ashes
And buried in the soil below a new tree
You’re welcome to place a plaque with my name
And you’re more than welcome to 
Libate my dust to dust with liberal pourings
Of good bourbon
And then you must tell a funny story
We know I had a lot of them
And then you should all
Flood a bar
And talk to each other

Cry if you must
Be silent if you need
But drink and smile and laugh
And remember each other
And me
I hope you will
And I hope you will remember me
With joy and laughter
With only some tears

I don’t want my life to come down to tears
I loved it
And you too
So have a party
And pour one more for me.