with apologies to Mr. Eliot

Shall we gather, you and I,
where the marble meets the sky
And listen to the pundits cry their chants for all to hear?

  While the people come and go, speaking of Joe DiMaggio

Or should we sit at home and moan
doom scrolling all across the phone
knowing it’s safer here alone where no one takes a stand?

   while the people come and go, speaking of rising bread dough.

What is it really worth, one vote?
The end’s already decided.
The end is near, the end is here, and no one left to fight it.

    while the people come and go, speaking of last night’s game show.

Do we dare to eat a peach?
Do we dare to say our piece?
Do we dare to slay the beast?

     while the people come and go, mumbling in braggadocio.