after White Zombie

It’s right here baby right here on the planet
of pretty kills the planet of petty shrill talk
from the cynical boob tube rube-trapping
Bible-humping motherfuckers impregnating
the American flag with acid and high cholesterol
and transparent Aryan wet dreams baby
right here where you stand it’s like the hand
of god come down with a smack it’s like
a seaside resort of tear-gas currents and
cyanide daiquiris this is the planet of the boomers
hippies yippies yuppies Gen-X puppies
and millennial wide-eyed babes baby
the mirror-fuckers the screen suckers the digital
tunnel-vision look-the-other-way motherfuckers
like all of us we waited just long enough to see
everything turn so goddamn white our curries
taste like mashed potatoes we waited for
a universal uniform of beige overalls before
celebrating the beauty of chosen wardrobes
it’s all here now the bodies in the streets
that bone-spur fully-formed sentient id hiding
in his bunker the mothers crying baby
the children crying baby the bloodied
nightsticks baby the motherfucking doctored
footage baby the echo chambers crashing
into one another baby this is our psychoholic slag
the sludge we have to dredge through because
me and you and mommy and daddy and
mamaw and papaw and uncle and aunt
and on and on and on and on chose chains
over communion chose invisible walls over
block parties chose silent time bombs over
a rainbow chorus of motherfucking fireworks
let’s talk baby let’s dance baby let’s dance until
the sun breaks in and we can help clean up