Approaches me in the airport
and throws a black cloth bag
over my head and takes me away,
I say, “I’m just a woman
standing in an airport terminal
trying to fly to Cincinnati!”
They escort me into a car
which drives to an empty
warehouse across town.
Shackled in the backseat,
I say, “Please, don’t hurt me,
my family isnt well off and 
couldn’t afford the medical bills!”
They push me inside
and into a poor quality
office chair with wheels.
Spinning circles,
I say, “I’ll give you anything!
Money! My house! My first
edition copy of Little Women!”
The Russian Mob pauses 
at this new information.
He says, ” What’s your favorite
quote?” And stands before me.
I say, “But do you love him?
I think I care more to be loved.
I want to be loved.
That is not the same as loving.”
He rips the bag from my head.
“Women, they have minds,
and they have souls,
as well as just hearts.”
He touches my forehead
with two fingers and then
my chest.
He says, “Tell me the truth.”
I say, “I’m so lonely. And 
all I want is to go home.”
He caresses my cheek,
tilting my head up.
“Then go home.”