In snowed all down the mountain
Pouring white flakes in late August
We left to get away from it, to get 
Ahead of the storm that was coming
We ended up eating Chinese food
And staying the night in a hotel
Instead of our tent as we’d planned

We rushed to see all of the things
That there were to see, and still,
We missed so many; the mountains
Obscured by the clouds, sun barely
Daring to show it’s face at all 

I had never seen it snow so early
The Appalachian summer heat 
Was still steeped into my bones 
From balmy to winter was a
Stunning thing; I’ve not seen
Anything quite like it since then

And I will tell you now:
I’d rather not see it snow in
August, ever again, in my life
Though I will say that it did 
Make for a good adventure