Ashley Taylor

Bio for 2020

Ashley Taylor is a special education teacher from Hindman, Kentucky. Her work has previously appeared in Hazard Community and Technical College’s literary magazine, Kudzu, and Full: An Anthology of Moon Poems, as well as the 2019 LexPoMo anthology. She was the student editor of Kudzu in 2007, and literally needed a Xanax to get up and speak in front of people about it. She has since evolved into a semi-competent public speaker.

Reason for signing up:

I had fun with the challenge last year, even though I only succeeded in writing 8 poems. I like the accountability and motivation.

Poems Submitted This Year:


NOTE: Because poets have the ability to hide their badges and because registrations on only started in 2017, this may not represent an accurate portrayal of poems published by their associated poets, badges assigned to a poet, a poet's participation in the Writing Challenge, or anyone's relationship to Lexington Poetry Month, the Writing Challenge, or any other events, organizations, or persons.

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