KW | LexPoMo 2022

The challenge of writing every day is invaluable, as it demands a level of self discipline and introspection that is cathartic. How can I ask my students to take risks and produce writing if I do not also demand it of myself?

Kim Kayne Shaver | LexPoMo 2022

Lex poetry month is my zen board of poems! Writing a new something everyday keeps my mind snappy and reminds me to be in the poem moment!

Jennifer Elam | LexPoMo 2022

To post poems and read the work of others. Others in my CoA writer’s group said it was great.

mtpoet | LexPoMo 2022

I want to keep up with all old and new participants.

jstpoetry | LexPoMo 2022

To get to know other writers in the Lexington area

Brigit Truex | LexPoMo 2022

I definitely need the “discipline” of LexPoMo to get me back into writing again! I have been focused on visual art for the past two years, now it’s time for written expresssion.