Abby Kane | LexPoMo 2022
I loved participating in Lexpomo last year and it is always a great way to help me keep writing over the summer.
I loved participating in Lexpomo last year and it is always a great way to help me keep writing over the summer.
I signed up to force myself to write more and see if people who didn’t know me or care about me thought I was good at it. I need to read more from others too. I’ve never been a big reader, and I know that probably isnt a good thing.
I signed up to LEXPOMO to advance my writing capabilities while discussing and critiquing works with other writers.
To write poems, to rub elbows with good people, and to make new friends!
I believe a lot of people like to hide behind their writing. Sometimes so much so that the fire meets it first. Sometimes I see that fire dance on my walls in the candlelight. Where fragrance meets fear, cement meets roadblock, and heat meets headache. This act of choosing is a waterfall. I have a voice, and I want to be heard.