Posts for June 4, 2018 (page 4)


my therapist made me do it

i pull you out of myself through the top of my head
like a tissue box. 
but i pluck too tenaciously 
or maybe was gripping your ankles from the inside 
because i seemed to have also vacated my cattle-meat body 
leaving just a skull with little teeth
   that are beginning to go crooked 


Spoonin and Fishin

softly on her belly
he painted waves then
circles by touch

her aura was magnetic,
mesmeric. He breathed softly
on the offer of tensed neck
                                the slightest thought
                                down there,
                                precognition, imparted by
                                her  mother

The will of his hand
                   wandered south.
She gentled it back to her roundness and
patted it now there with named fingers.

If she would face him
his blood willed it
and wishing

It didn’t happen.

Maybe tomorrow 
wasn’t said.

He would act asleep now

Not knowing
her heartbeat had

                                     her pupils wide
                                           and smile


Spoonin and Fishin

softly on her belly
he painted waves then
circles by touch

her aura was magnetic,
mesmeric. He breathed softly
on the offer of tensed neck


Under Water Out of Oxygen

Her place at the table
was the chair against the wall. 
His was across.
So when he began to tantrum
The table often shoved
Against her thin body. 
The mom and the sister
Were on each side
So no way out
While the shouting 
And throwing of things 
Went on
Later in life she would often
Have to leave the table in
A restaurant because she couldn’t
Draw a breath. 


Made of Tin

I take responsibility.
chopped away
my humanity, 
replaced it with metal
and forgot to watch for storms.

Come near my
steam powered
heart, and hear
my rattle-echo
but let’s not bother
with making friends or a
song about what I’d do
if I only filled that cavity.

Don’t tell:
I don’t
in technicolor. 

Don’t remind me
of hopeful 

Don’t recruit me
for the journey towards the
single miracle 
meant to set it right. 


Brakes Scraping

Roosters don’t only strut and crow
sometimes they sound like brakes scraping.

Does the cock-a-doodle-doo 
of a gaily lit house at Christmas

attest to the happiest of families
bright with thriving children

warm with board games   carols
fearless into future with 4-wheel drive?

Or are there really cobwebs cowering in dim corners
windows wavering in storm’s furious dance

brakes scraping in case
of wrinkles in the road ahead?


atlanta, georgia 2016

superficial scratches relieve pressure

placed by shorted out synapses—

it’s a punishment. electrical grounding

used to bring back reality in

a warm shower that no longer offers

calm solace, but a stinging reminder

that the water spilled over

and the stressed out puddles left behind

are a looming mess waiting to evaporate.


a comforting hand, rough fingers on my thigh

the sign of patience and love

replaced by a reminder of distrust

and false thoughts pulsating

like unpredictable hurricane waves. 

maybe this is why i like when you tie me up—

bind my arms and bruise me softly.

yes, yes. this will save me from the sins

committed against me two years and 477 miles ago



Today marks the anniversary of another last
Event that I missed
Celebrating my son’s only childhood
Because I was
Too busy living to notice


Fierce Winds May Blow But

Looking at the sea, skin alive, senses calm,
Worry left on shore, there rises a question.
What about this breeze tickling my nose?
No one ever slaps an insult on a breeze.
You never hear the savage, the whipping,
The tearing, the angry, the deadly breeze.  

Song extols the gentle, caressing, lilting,
Whispering, tracing, maybe bracing breeze.
This phenomenon, nature’s enchanted gift.
Wafting across the greenest span,
Soothing the sunburned skin,
The softest breeze blesses, addresses
All the sins of a crowded day.
Hooray, I say, let’s sing and say
Welcome to this gifted air wrapped
In restraint and good manners.
She hands us peace and promises of
A sweet afternoon drowsy with sleep.
Let praises crown her, nature’s princess.