Posts for June 7, 2020 (page 4)


It Sounds Like Innuendo, But it’s Not

While taking a walk
this warm summer’s eve,
I happened upon
a sight rare to see.

As I gazed, transfixed,
at the bloom of a rose,
my eyes shifted right
and my feet nearly froze.

Two graceful curves,
descending in pointed tips,
a tuft of mown grass
lingering still on your lips,

Confused, I called out
to the man by his car – 
“Do you know there’s a goat
roaming in your backyard?!”



company just left
time to clean everything up
toss out all the trash
sweep and vacuum all the floors
let’s get together,
but hopefully not too soon



Have you ever listened to
summertime Jazz,
leaned back in the beaming
Kentucky midday sun 
stuck to the back of your car seat
because even the humidity
and a broken A/C
can’t ruin beautiful brass,
pounding bass lines,
a groove so deep that you
feel it in your bones?



For I Will Consider the Tick, the Flea, the Holy Mosquito

  –after Christopher Smart

In praise of you, seen never in time to dance away from, to sidestep,
the surprise of you always a surprise.

In praise of you who bring us out of past or future or dream and plants us
squarely and immediately into the present of now.

In praise of you who cause reaction in our bodies- Lyme, West Nile,
malaria, bubonic plague- and teach us humility.

In praise of you who make us Jesus, you feast on our body
and this is your last supper.

How you shape the human world, a reminder how small
power can be. In praise of you, I spray.


Triple Moon Goddess Two: A Maiden Waxed Philosophical in Spring

“What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?”

“But what Freud showed us… was that nothing can be grasped, destroyed, or burnt, except in a symbolic way,
 as one says, in effigie, in absentia.”

Jacques Lacan

As the page had turned
The needle dropped on side B
A single thought sang

When reading Lacan,
She was aware of her own

Structural blueprints
The unconscious fantasy,
Is structured desire

The Broom closet was
Always bad faith, this she knew
Mirror stage moments

Construct of the self
Imaginary portrait
Of identity

When her leather-bound
Book of shadows was opened
Her rites became whole

Yet others cursed
Håxa as a heretic
Set for a fires stake

As a passing thought
Of manifest destiny
Drifted through her mind

She smiled at the mob,
As flames chared her flesh, ashen
Smoke burned in her lungs

Content with her choice
Knowing bad faith is not living life
As Sartre has said


“La vie humaine commence de l’autre côté du désespoir”
Jean-Paul Sartre 


Romance isn’t dead, you’re just confusing it with capitalism

The rainbow does not taste like skittles  
Too saccharine 
Too artificial
Branded with every bite  

I want to trivialize my words
so they aren’t so

“You love me?  
That’s gay.”   

But I pulled my own ribs
to let you cradle my heart.   


Third Grade

there was this boy
that had a good voice
and enough moves
to sell
a good Elvis impression
that our teacher loved
so much
that she’d make him do it
while other teachers stood
at the door with their smiles
that made me wonder what
I could do to get something
like that
but he wasn’t good 
at hiding absent but here
parent anger like the rest
of us lost and dirty and tired

so when Mrs. E
pushed his buttons
he told her to fuck off
and she didn’t stop smiling
when he walked out of class
nor did she stop when he 
passed by the window 
walking home

the bus picked him up later

I’m just glad to know
she’s gone
and he’s still here
because with people 
like us
it’s easy
to find a reason
to check out
one way
or another


Your Workplace’s Newly Required Diversity Training

I hear the distant whistle of an approaching train
     and I think of movement

Moving people
     moving goods
          moving people as goods

Across this vast country
Marking time and space 

I’ll never write a train poem like Hayden
or actualize the metaphor like Whitehead

But I hear the whistle of an approaching train
     and I think of hot summer nights
     and police whistles echoing through public squares
          where people were sold as goods
Across this vast country
Dogs and guns trained on the public

Re-training hate still leaves you with hate
      further down the track

I hear the whistle of an approaching train

And I can’t tell which way it’s coming from
     or which way it’s going
Because it is so loud it seems to be coming from and going to
everywhere at once

But I hear the whistle of an approaching train
                                                                           and I think of movements


The Future of Envy has Lunch

Splendid five tool players of the morning sun
noon time tacos because the game is won
one bright shoulder of brilliant hue
leaning on the deck of Gordy Chew’s
her floral slip and sunglasses of victory
his shoes and his hair tied in with history
conversational prowess and sleight of hand
refined tastes but judgement sans
the fortune is dazzling and the bodies able
cooler than lemonade set on the table
none of it is borrowed and all of it is earned
something developed that you haven’t learned
mountains and forests of laughter and morals
familial dedication and pruned cherry laurels
shiny golden dots strung out on the tide
composing divine verse on the backside
coupes and convertibles loose with the throttle
palm grip tight on glass Klein bottles
spectrum of tiding searchlights in the air
all of it maddening and all of it fair
here comes the waiter serving with glee
dessert celebration and tipped to the tee


A Morning

The weightless morning,
The anthropoid hour.
The scattered bodies,
Lie about the home.
Tethered by untouched ideology,
Limited by the idea that it, is them.
From a window,
Encircled by black.
A bird flies,
From a firm treeline.
Tearing the world,
Into manageable pieces.
From the bed,
The anthropoid stirs.
Not quite an idea,
But a drifting bird.