Posts for June 1, 2021 (page 5)


sentiment at dawn

as i turn my car on,
the slow, steady blow
of the air conditioning

reminds me of family
roadtrips—-driving into
the mountains

how we’d wake up earlier
than usual to get a head start
to the day

that cool air refreshes me
before i turn it off,
roll down the window,

& listen to the morning birds

i make a sound of contentment
when i smell the blooming flowers



For all those times you randomly show up, then disappear again.

Key into lock.
Door swings wide.
Unfathomable sunlight.
One quick lap around the yard.
Unfathomable darkness.
Door swings shut.
Key into lock.


september 18 2020

it feels like fall for the first time today i love being alone for the first time today
pop the tab on a coke from the freezer it’s freezing
the breeze is grazing my leg hair through the screen
and i forgot i’m making eggs in the frying pan
to put on seeded bread i put seeds in the eggs
i usually make two but i only need one
the bread in the oven is done


Blue Highways

balanced precariously moon
rests on antlers of a pine

cool light washes every grass
each red-blood paintbrush bud

outlines tumbled cones fractured
rocks with weightless silver leaf

mountain meadow
limned with early frost

despite summer constelleations
death is compressed with-

in one white fist of owl
its long shadow stretched to touch

the indistinct thrum of a distant
route where twin cones of light

desperately search for


Leaf Litter

I watch as they fall, 
a ballet of sprigs,
needles, and leaves, 
floating down
on a slow wind.
I make a bed
from their death.
Cradle myself
in their decay.
Make pillows
from their demise.
And when I sleep,
my head on their bodies,
their scent on my skin,
I dream of spring.


Kevin #1

My wife’s the one who brought me Kevin.

She’s known around the world for doing stuff like that.


If we happen to be together,

she’ll gift me little things

right on the spot

like that one time

in Copenhagen

Copenhagen Denmark

not the one we drive through when visiting Fort Drum

but the real one

where we saw the Czechoslovak puppeteers

and she went right up to them and said,

“My boyfriend has a question for you”

and thumbed in my direction

when I didn’t have a question


a clue.


And if she’s off

by herself

on one of those old-lady walks she likes so much to take

she’ll bring the little gifties home

when she good-and-well decides

the time has come for feeling something like


and she’ll gift them to me then.


Sometimes she’ll bring me stories,

other times she’ll bring me ginko leaves or such-like stuff –

you know the kind of stuff –

stuff designed to let me know how smart I am

to love her.


And this time 
she brought Kevin.


Through ball or Ashes (for R.M.)

Through Ball or Gone

Sometimes when I play
FIFA by myself
I still look to pass the ball
To you like i do blunts
We’d piece together

Sometimes I look 
At the ash pile on the floor
I sweep it up quietly
Careful to get it all
But it never comes clean


Involuntary Spasm

Love rallies,

One desperate gasp before the

final slumped

fall to the floor.


Quiet as drowning,

the halting of

inefficient movements.


No witnesses but

the shocked victims.


Grilled Beef Burger, American Cheese, side of Grippo’s Bar-B-Q Potato Chips

on a not-quite-summer
Sunday afternoon.  

It should have been cheddar
except that I took
the wrong credit card to Meijer’s,  

it was expired,

and when I went back
to correct by stupid mistake,

I got distracted by Rainier cherries,

the kind that are not quite yellow
and not red, either,
like the ones you bought me
at that market in Seattle

on a not-quite-summer
Sunday afternoon

back when everything was still ahead of us. 



Everyday something shifts
the fulcrum cracks and vibrates
siphoning today into a pleasant dream
an image of yourself caught still.
Where will you be
during this transmission?
I write to you this
in hope         in peace
that you will be ready.