Posts for June 13, 2023 (page 2)


The Watchman of the Maize

how many summers
has he spent his nights
as the watchman of the maize
in a mobile uhaul hut with
the best discarded mattress
a companion to constelations
a sheperd guardian of tasseling
stalks whose rattling would wake
him against white tail invasion
he could taste the polenta
before raccoons could hear
the sweet message of the ears
years with his canine companions
as the depths of night rose
quitely around him



Dear The Woman,

It has come to my attention
           that we’re both suffering from the same
                       poetic delusion.

How are you alive this far in?
           I spend my days in a wondering well.
                       Have you lost

your conviction to seek help?
           Your eyes too accustomed to the pitch
                       black nothingness.

I can still catch a glimmer.
           So, once I get out, I’ll throw my hope
                       down to you.

Another Woman


Sand Queen

You know it’s dire straits when you relate so much to that one Linkin Park song
And it’s all surrounding shit you already think is stupid,
But now there’s lyrics to match

I was promised, by a boat,
That I would not be an island
Forgetting that all land is the same as not-water
And boats only concern themselves with the sea

My island is lot of sand
And all its visitors telling me they don’t like how I’ve organized it
It’s not shaped like castles to choose from
And it’s in our shoes and socks
It’s sand, I say, I didn’t pick it
Well you’re the island, they tell me
So why didn’t you demand better dirt?

I would’ve, had I known to
But the answer already lives in their question
In the end, it doesn’t even matter
It’s a stupid island, I’ll tell them
What else did you expect?


In broad daylight

The neighbor saw you come to my door,
not through the yard, but up the steps. 
14 steps are hard to climb. 
She said you didn’t knock. 
She was on a Zoom. 
You flicked your tail, 
wandered off. 
My dear,



The sheer number:
half the world
adrift in a storm,
a tornado of thoughts,
most of which 
they will not remember.

In my right mind
I know mermaids are not real
but at night…
anything goes.



have you ever been from : have you ever been : have you ever been from : a wound : it’s easy : we are each walking with one : mine is shaped like : a door : heart : with its valves spilling : mine is two girls with dark wrists : fighting for sunlight : hot tar : of a parking lot : have you ever been from : from : from : where is your fromness : from : is it a field : does it smell like : jasmine : like prayer : in your fromness : does the street open : with hands : in your fromness : is there a woman you love : is there a photo of her : as a child : in your fromness does it rain : in sheets : all at once : like sleep : tell me the name of your fromness : i’ll start : moon : warm milk : cockroach : do you know : the soft : of its elbow : do you know : it’s called : mercy : have you ever walked around your fromness : in circles : have you been afraid : of its tender : are you : are you getting closer : to the middle : are you getting closer : to the middle

Registration photo of Ann Haney for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Are you listening?

My secret hiding
places are gone now but I
invision them here

Curly dried tendrils
decorate my window panes
like wrought iron endures

Nature may just say
it once. You must listen full heart
Whispers can be keys

that unlock the trees
to speak to you though no breeze
Are you listening?



I try to shame myself

into thinking

my identity

is something

I can control.

Or abandon.

But those who have seen her

tell me

I’m happier when I’m her.

I’m calmer when I’m her.

More peaceful.

Less angry.

That I glow

as her.


Still, I keep looking

over my shoulder,

trying to find

an escape route

from my destiny.



She had galaxies in her eyes

And electricity crackled within her

Amidst the flurry of white

Is a ray of light

Fingertips fiery with a passion

Everything she touches

An exchange of energy

Butterflies spin throughout her body

As wind catches the tips of her hair

Laugh lines

Freckled nose

She glides through life

With an innate joy

A carefree spirit

Registration photo of Katie Hassall for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Wonderful World

Sometimes life is a lot
on those days,
it is hard to be an optimist

Today was one of those days,
a Dr. appointment, tests,
and then a little drama thrown in

But then, a simple greeting from 
a young neighbor and his 
sweet smile, reach out and touch my heart

Going on my daily walk, I take the time to
appreciate the beautiful green trees and
colorful flowers 

I am greeted by several curious cats, 
and barked at by multiple dogs,
the cacaphony of life follows me home

Tonight, I am once again appreciating 
this wonderful world and the
life that I live