Posts for June 13, 2023 (page 4)

Registration photo of Laverne Zabielski for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

No Insurance No Help

Rehab is hopeless
insurance not good enough
she’s back on the street


Seen on Facebook

The waitress brought
the old lady a cake
(chocolate by the way)

When she left
the lady reached in her purse
pulled out a candle
planted it in the icing
lit it.

Watching the flame burn
sitting alone
she started to clap

That’s when the waitress returned
clapping too

One by one customers
encircled the table
clapping too

The restaurant rocked
with clapping

’til one by one
everyone gave
the old lady a kiss

I don’t know if this video is true
(Truth is elusive in 2023)
I want to believe that
life presents poems to poets
like presents to the homeless
They mean so much more that way


Bodega Blues

the rain pours harder
    & a woman runs in with a box over her head
the air conditioning blows harder
    & you wrap your arm around me for warmth
later, we lean against the ice cream freezers
    & wonder if we still love each other

a person shudders taking our order
    & you squeal at the ice cream’s deliciousness
a child laughs & his dad looks tired
    & i grimace when i bite into the cold
later, we lean against the ice cream freezers
    & wonder if we still love each other

a man and a woman walk into the bodega
    obviously on a first date (you say)
you walk out of the restroom
    it was too small (you say)
later, we lean against the ice cream freezers
    & wonder if we still love each other

i wonder if the couple will continue to date
    or if one will leave
i wonder if the father’s going through a divorce
    if his partner’s left him
i wonder about the employees’ loneliness
    & if they will flee

we lean against the ice cream freezers,
    yes, i still love you



Even as a young boy who shouldn’t understand loss you did,
wrapping your arms around me as I slumped

Onto the floor, many years later, where our limbs once fit with room
to spare, you made space, saw something I had hidden and gave it back

My attempts to reciprocate feel false, like my bright pink tee glowing
in a sea of black, bodies crashing to the hardwood below, your shirt

A tanktop featuring a truckers hat, sweaty as you shred
our ears, our inhibitions, the room, I’m constantly in awe

That you continue to stay under the same roof with a thief, a liar, a junkie,
someone taking a hatchet to you is beyond my understanding and I say as much

During an intervention, where our father tags along for moral support
in the backseat, barely hearing the words I shout over the pummeling rain

I’m awash in regret, knowing I fucked up, that I failed you,
that I couldn’t reach you through my condescension and desperation

So when you find what I have hidden, I hope that you see me, hear me
through all the static, and understand what I’m really trying to say

You were always the best of us.

Registration photo of Shaun Turner for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Slewfoot Gambols

You hide in undergrowth–all torso
and sinew, fat and teeth. You can’t see

their face, unless you give away something
of yourself–you’re both seeking. What it is,
the trees overhead know. They shower pollen
and they laugh and sigh, bowing and scraping
in the wind. You roil and wait for them
to roll the dice. You know the part well, too–
all too well. This could be anyone.
This could be any place, any other day.
Together, hungry, you both ready
to exact a pound of flesh–this is the game
you play–wind around the narrow
of what is left of your hearts.



tw: sexual coercion mention

There was a point in my life when I would’ve done anything to see you like this

You, laying there, just so

Curls tossed haphazardly across your shoulder

Golden sunlight dancing on the bed


There was a point in my life when I would’ve done anything to have this

Your voice in my ear

The weight of your body on top of mine

Your lips on my neck

The word “no” stuck in my throat

A word that never fell from my lips onto your ears

There was a point in my life when I would’ve done anything for you to do this

Your hands run along my bare arms

Your eyes trained on mine

As you tuck my hair behind my ear, your thumb brushes my cheek

And yet

I feel sick

But the picture is perfect

-a beautiful view, a horrible feeling

Registration photo of Amy Figgs for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Push and Tug

Grief is here
always near.
She sits in the corner
at the ready.
Sometimes she punches.
Sometimes she embraces.
Neither warrants a warning.

She is
utterly beautiful,
splendidly horrid.
Her dimensionality
is never lost
on me.

When I don’t feel her,
I miss her.
That is how she never



she stands
like a desert piñón 
snug to a sheer cliff
her time twisted trunk
steel-cabled and bending
sprawling roots cleaving
stubbornly to the stones
gnarled limbs akimbo
in defiance
of winds
to endure.



is it me or does the wind blow
more than in previous years
a seemingly constant
is it bringing change
something new
or simply a reshuffling
what am I willing to throw out there
into the atmosphere and await
news from the Universe


You’ll never see me cry

I didn’t wear mascara that day.
No one noticed black lines
smudged as I nonchalantly wiped at my face.
No one stared as I ate chicken tenders alone
the aftermath.
Nothing draws attention in a school cafeteria
quite like smudged glitter and mascara
a girl eating alone.
I wanted to be alone.
No matter how hard I tried to stay out of it
you pushed my head into the water
over and over
until I couldn’t hold my breath anymore. 
until someone pulled me out.
Funny to think my sobs sounded like coughing up water.
Now everytime I see you
I think about the promises I made.
I think about being used.
I think about my sob story
the pieces of the puzzle put together
it doesn’t quite hit as hard when you break it apart.
Keep that in mind
when I hold my head high
I never let the mascara run.