“You ain’t gotta seduce me (Uh uh),
I’m interested.”
— Babyface Ray
You keep sayin I need to loosen up–
well, it’s time to loosen up.
You’ve shown me all I need to know,
all I’ve needed to see, all I’ve needed
to feel
falling short of all the rest we need
to feel.
you ain’t gotta seduce me (uh uh)
Come closer. Lean into this.
Lean into Me (not what others see,
what you can see).
Sometimes the trainer needs
to be trained.
The whites of those eyes are widening—
the browns expanding—so let me
curl up in the lashes
I have planned…
or better yet, let’s start to forget
all the plans, the planning, all those shared & awkward
tendencies–to drift
somewhere south of cerebral,
some place lateral & limbic,
leaving literal for rhythmic,
what’s logical for kismet,
simply ride
past anyone’s standards,
your hands, my words,
our brains
on manual—backseat our protestations—
stretching what is rigid into shapes
of greater
I’m interested.
I’m interested.