Posts for June 9, 2024 (page 11)

Registration photo of Nancy Jentsch for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Moss is not just a carpet, a pillow,
a hidey-hole for mice. Not just 
a whisper of spring green
against decades-old bark
catching only the light it needs.

It is witness that today at least
there is moisture enough
on our parching planet,
that life yet thrives
in the furnace that burns here

that for now green still
gladdens nature’s palette.

Registration photo of Shawn Justice for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Free Grandparenting Advice

What do you do when the decibel of the
2-year-old’s screaming
Makes your brain quiver. 

Invite your old college friend,Captain and Diet,
for a pool play date
And give the 2-y-o candy…..lots of candy. 

When her parents show up to collect her and ask
“How’d it go?”
Simply reply, “we had some friends over 
and the day went great!”

What happens here stays here.
Note to self:
Buy lots of ice cream for next time. 

Brain freeze is  an old and trusted 
grandparenting tool. 

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


they removed the heart
of their homeland
by aligning with conformist hate

hate of all who disagreed
with their twisted views,
hate of what had made it great

rationality was left behind,
as was freedom of speech–
those who dared, even once, to speak up–
roughly thrown out of the gate

it was an evil system created to destroy
the heart of a people once free–
now, like lemmings, they march into the death machine,
while those still living watch and wait

Registration photo of Hillary Tucker for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


More and more I see – 

The woman I want to become
    is simply the girl I used to be

Wild hair
    bare feet
        skinned knees

Wading creeks
    climbing rocks

Running with dogs
    whistling with birds

Always wandering

Never lost

Registration photo of EDL for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Airport meetings pt.1

Two strangers,
from a small town.
Chatting in a café,
near the gate.

The plane departs in an hour.

He looked at me,
so peacefully.
This rough,
tattooed man.
Little did I know,
he’d be dead in a week.

He had made up his mind.

Today, I am still grateful,
he said goodbye secretly.
Before his airplane took off.

This time,
without me.

Registration photo of Kevin Nance for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Questions I Never Asked Our Parents

What are you doing in there
with the door locked?

Who were you before you had us
& are we what you wanted?

Who were you before you met
& who were you looking for?

Did you find that person 
or someone else?

Your scrapbook, Mama,
full of photos of you long before

you met Daddy, like the one 
in front of an old cantina

with tumbleweeds on a dusty street,
you smiling at the camera,

who took those photos?
Who made you smile like that?

Registration photo of Jason Williams for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Central Baptist Surgery Waiting Room, 5 June 2024

Tracing veins in the waiting room floor.
a prayer seeps from me and sublimates.

Being in the OR is so much simpler
than sitting here, tending catastrophes

I bet you’ve never had so much money at once in your life!

A woman’s face aglow from her phone.
Tinny laughter from its tiny speakers.

I withdraw my earbuds conspicuously
trying to model good behavior.

You can’t wear white lace to a wedding. Are you on crack!

I keep my music low, so I’ll hear:
“Williams family, come to consulting”

I dawdle with Wordle and other games,
my nervy supplication steadily dripping.

I know it! I swear she could get lost in a round room.

Registration photo of jstpoetry for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Rod’s letter to Kelsey

Dear Kelsey,
I tend to put myself in states of anxiety when I don’t know what to do. My initial hasty thought process is always how to make a problem promptly go away, as if the faster I expedite a problem the quicker it will cease to exist. What if I feel different about the aforementioned conundrums given some time? This was a thought that had never presented itself to me before. A lack of perspective I suppose. I’ve often questioned whether or not my past self was a stress addict. The recurring problems were happening more frequently. Like a test I had a million attempts at. Not knowing the right answer but trying the wrong ones over and over. It was exhausting. I’ll never forget when you told me, things might seem confusing at first but overtime I could obtain clarity and make better decisions. It seemed so simple. I could embrace the confusion and not waste a good crises and create opportunities.
Thank you, 

Registration photo of Laverne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

What Would a Fit Be?

I finally understand that you have no intention   you alluded loosely to that fact   you might quit   but not now   

when you are high on street drugs or Suboxone   your voice is   kind   soft   pleasing   

when you run out & start coming down   it’s   hard   sharp   unkind   you say things that hurt    causing you to leave   abruptly 

is that why you can’t go back to the shelter for 90 days?   was it your   edgy   sharp   arrogant   self-righteous tone?   nobody wants to deal with that    

when you call from a rehab & have that sweet tone   the old you returns & I hear hope   but it doesn’t last long   you don’t give it time to work   because   you say   the people around you are not   a fit.

Registration photo of Toni Menk for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


He would try to talk me into selling out and moving

Somewhere, usually to  the mountains 

Thank God, I never fell for it.

He would say “A change in geology would be good for us”

He meant ‘geography’

But, a selection of different rocks would have been OK