Posts for June 9, 2024 (page 12)

Registration photo of Lennart Lundh for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Lying and Laying



I stand

at the edge,

seeing you lay there,

far away, small, a broken doll.

How could you fall so low after saying you love me?

Couldn’t you love yourself enough

to love me enough

to choose life?

I know



(after the undated and untitled photograph of a man looking over a railing, by Francesco Verolino)

Registration photo of Chelsie Kreitzman for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Reprise of the Old Lady

Summer nights we played at camping
in our own backyard, built a pillowy fortress
inside Dad’s old two-man tent,  

stayed up talking into the cricket-filled corners
of long July nights. I was never spooked
until the wee hours, when there came

a clanging of chains, that witchy
old lady next door letting her demonic 
dogs out. Once I woke to a shadow

on the canvas, the shape of a face
I imagined was hers, outline
illuminated by lightning

bugs that danced outside, drunk
on darkness. Stricken with terror,
unable to rouse my sister, I unzipped

the door, wiggled my way out, ran
toward the glow of the magic
circle on the back deck, yellow

halo safe from spirits, the exterior light
our parents left on just in case
we ever got scared.

Registration photo of Ariana Alvarado for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Haikus for Christian

This pull to you, love,

something I can not explain:
my sweet delusion. 
I no longer fear
specificity: I name you,
write these words in blood—
haunting emptiness,
when every poem now is
written just to “you.”
This pathetic need
to make something from nothing
leads me through the lines,
but you never read
my words to understand them,
leaving me voiceless.
Forgive me for this 
intimacy now unearned;
I used to know you.
This pull to you, love,
remnant of what could have been:
my sweet delusion.


Loved to Hurt


You who hurt me

So bad and so deep

A gash that will never heal


A demon that haunts me when I sleep

Taunting me with nightmares of memories that have never been mine

You who said you loved me

Then hurt me

You who claimed to care

Then left me


Some days

I wish she was still tangled up in me

I want to hurt her

I want to kick her

I want to hit her

I want to watch her cry

I want to hear her beg me to stop

I want to twist the knife and watch her bleed

Shock on her face

“I thought you loved me”, she would say, tears streaming down her face.

“I did”, I would respond.

Confusion would contort her face. “Then why would you do this to me?”

I would laugh, “You did it first.”

What a cathartic thought…

Content Warning

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Registration photo of Linda Bryant for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Aphasia Tanka

life changer, a stroke
now I have aphasia
means I form spinning
words, loopy kaleidoscope
made-up words seeking balance

Registration photo of YvoArcher for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Once Upon a Story Time

The stories weave through the fire
Creating shadows that stretch toward
The listeners who huddle and peer into the
Waiting darkness hoping for a glimpse of home.  

The storyteller’s voice rasps the voice of a giant      
Hungering for a taste of blood and of the
Wolf waiting at Grandmother’s house
For an unwary girl who tries to get past
The ogre that blocks the bridge that leads to home.  

The listeners lean towards the safety of each other
As the words give form to the monsters that hide
Just beyond the light that escapes from the fire
Except for the girl who sits apart with her back to the
Warmth and gazes into the soft darkness towards home.  

There is no fear of the shadows that lie out there.
She has already met the wolf, the giant has already
Spilt her blood and she has vanquished the ogre that was
Waiting for her on the bridge that leads to home.

Registration photo of Coleman Davis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


Life is an open book 
in the middle of the road;
the intersection of Loudon
Ave. and North Limestone.
Two young men stand
on the concrete corner.
Hands on their knees 
like they are in school
& the ball is out of bounds.
Pages turned by passing 
cars or a swirling wind.
Everyone runs a yellow 
there is no way to stop them.
Heads tilted, the young men 
examine the nature of the book
from the safety of the sidewalk.
Try to decide if it’s worth it,
worth it to dart out into traffic.
Worth it to save a tattered life.
A changing crosswalk sign blinks.
The car behind me taps once
on the horn.
In this world that’s just trash 
on the road.
My story is left vulnerable 
on the asphalt 
whole, still open. 
Pages turning in the breeze.

Registration photo of dustin cecil for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


mellow snow-

from birdcall’d

in steady trills-

Registration photo of K. Nicole Wilson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Southern Pantoum

You can cry into the soupbeans, they don’t mind,
making friends with onions has its advantages.
Dice it up, if you’re so inclined,
the coffee’s hot and full of adages,

making friends with onions has its advantages,
the greens are spicy today and agree,
the coffee’s hot and full of adages,
sometimes what you need’s what you can’t see.

The green’s are spicy today and agree
everyone who comes to the table in good faith should grab a plate,
sometimes what you need’s what you can’t see–
like a cure, or pain abating and lifting great weight.

Everyone who comes to the table in good faith should grab a plate,
the sweet tea’s in a listening mood and soothes the soul,
like a cure, or pain abating and lifting great weight.
Let us gather our sorrows with our joys and share the bowl,

the sweet tea’s in a listening mood and soothes the soul.
Empathy tastes like cornbread and stewed tomatoes,
let us gather our sorrows with our joys and share the bowl,
let us drink the present with gusto though never lacking woes.

Empathy tastes like cornbread and stewed tomatoes,
dice it up if you’re so inclined,
let us drink the present with gusto though never lacking woes,
you can cry into the soupbeans, they don’t mind.

Registration photo of Abelucia Ponzo for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Say that again

I show up
so absolutely lovefilled 

I show up
and listen
And I hear….

an absence of

Love is pouring out of me
How is it not pouring out of everything?
Why does this feel… 

so lonely?

And so in connection
to the center of everything?

Maybe what sounds 
like absence
Is actually

Maybe, I’m
learning to hear

Maybe love-filled
means hearing things

A different way

I want to hear the whole world
All over again