Posts for June 10, 2024 (page 6)

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Origin Of A Love Poem

Do love poems write themselves?
Where do the words come from?

From the heart of those who found love 
From the heart of those looking for love 
From those who have love to give 

From me 
I looked for love 
I found love 
I have love to give 

Here is my love 

Registration photo of Sue Leathers for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


under the carport
the grackles cack and complain
that they’re not corvids,
can gift me nothing 
but white shit spangles on the cement.

they trill in iambs, Dad-dy Dad-dy,
who had warned me 
to cover the chink before spring
when they’d nest again
dropping malformed chicks and more crap. 

they rattle at my cat 
that springs to my lap,
kneads once,
and dashes away,


I Got Lost

I blacked out,
Maybe just for a couple of seconds,
But while I got lost
I dreamt of alternate realities,
I was happy,
It was perfect,
But it was off
Because it wasn’t real.

Registration photo of K.A for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

draft on heartbreak after dating a toxic mama’s boy

can’t unplug myself
                so it goes like this
                                i’m the villain
the boogiegirl gone bad broken
vengeful pseudostalker screaming
in a vice grip of despair. i just want him
                                                    to love me
& i know he doesn’t
so i am going to war with myself
    over it.                                   i was naive
                to think we could be friends after.
   our love
   two lambs                             leading each other
   by the neck to slaughter in the name of forging
   something unconditional passing through your
   mother’s hands since she birthed you & that’s all
   that encompasses               the worldwomb holding
   your epidermis & therefore mine since i loved you
   & it wasn’t enough to hold both you & her inside of 
   me        two adults going to battle over their own 
                 identities                   projection must run 
                                                                in your blood 
                                                                to the sync of
                rachmaninoff piano concerto no. 2, your bodies     
                               not yet climbing out of the abyss
                               but humming to the music above them 
                                                                i must be the music



The first 3 days after a victim of domestic violence leaves her partner are the most volatile. These are the 3 days she is most likely to lose her life.

The number one cause of death for women by an intimate partner is strangulation (not to be confused with choking, which is a natural occurrence rather than homicide or attempted homicide). 

Unconsciousness occurs within 11 seconds.

15 seconds can lead to stroke.

20 seconds can result in both cardiac arrest and brain damage.

Death occurs within minutes of unconsciouness and takes only the pressure of a man’s firm handshake, either to the carotid arteries, the jugular, or the trachea.

After an incidence of strangulation, the victim’s chance of homicide from strangulation by the same partner rises 800%, while the chance of recurring strangulation rises 700%; thus, if you are a victim of strangulation, you are highly likely to die by homicide.

In addition to questions pertaining to loss of consciousness and bodily functions, a 
Strangulation Reference Guide by the Strangulation Training Institute in San Diego, California, recommends asking a surviving victim the following question: What made the offender stop strangling you?


Content Warning

The poet decided this submission may have content that's not for everyone. If you'd like to see it anyway, please click the eyeball icon.

Registration photo of Brent White for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Cowboy Up

Keep your arms up
To make yourself look bigger to the cattle
That tobacco stick will not be enough

Be loud, act tough
Dont look like youre rattled
Keep your arms up

Come’on boy, you got the stuff
If you dont turn their head it’ll be a battle
That tobacco stick will not be enough

You can hear them, the bellows and huffs
Stand on your legs, youre not in a saddle
Keep your arms up

Moving 30 head can be rough,
And I’ll tan your hide if you dont stop that babble
That tobacco stick  will not be enough

This is it, no longer off the cuff
You can’t run away or daddle,
Goddamit boy, keep your arms up!
That tobacco stick will not be enough


Content Warning

The poet decided this submission may have content that's not for everyone. If you'd like to see it anyway, please click the eyeball icon.



Something slips in again,

Akin to pride or vanity,
But gentle as sunlight on the skin.
Words with warmth and gentle laughter.
Something less hungry than I’m used to,
A simple comfort.


Breaking the Rules

after Tom Hunley’s the Poetry Gymnasium

I Will Never Show You

only tell you
how to break eggs
without getting a fleck
of shell in your omelette 

This art calls for an incantation
to a higher being
and a savage use of science 
~~~an eruption of membrane 

Breathe, you must, three times,
deep, let yourself go;
go inward to where the embryo
waits for the perfect crack

along the rib of the skillet
Ms. Yolk waits for you
to mix the matter of her life
into a messy goo

waits for the fiery elements
to metamorph her into a substance
that will become your body,
the holy communion of your morning

I will never show you

Registration photo of logan for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Portrait of Elkchester Road in Daylight

the rural air is crisp in the day, 
it doesn’t choke like the night. 
then, the road is a
highway through the liminal, 
paved on a rampart between this world
and others. 

we stop at an old railroad trussell. 
in the night, it’s decayed.
rotted away at parts,
but the light fills in
what my mind corroded. 

dark and damp in spots,
sunbleached in others, 
it’s perpendicular to the road
and spans a shallow creek.
treetops like arrowheads
as well as power pylons 
are being grown in the horizon beyond. 

forsaking our lack of tetanus shots, 
we traverse the path
of stones and discarded steel rods
down to the creek bed,
but a distant tractor’s thrum
from the lot where we abandoned our car,
draws us away. 

we hit the road, 
Kesha on aux, 
drive back to Lexington
and to the nearest gas station
for snacks. 

we got lost on that road
one bored Spring night. 
today, we decided to come back-
interrogate all its dark spaces
in the light of day. 

Registration photo of wendyjett for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

His Eyes

Two Bluebirds roosting 
above chiseled cheeks
perched atop square jawline

Crooning solemn hymns
of hope, love, longing
and commitment

Wings expand broadly
he lifts off, takes flight
to another’s nest