Posts for June 26, 2024

Registration photo of l. jōnz for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

prelude to nightfall for lovers

at dusk

i will become
the sunlight

just beneath


you will become 
purple dances

across my

we will
the moon


Registration photo of Courtney Music for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


There are times 
when my brain 
jumbles across a page 
fumbles over words 
scrambles them into a pile
a magnitude of more 
then less and then more again
scribbles, against scratches 
noise amongst the static 
constant whispering veiled 
an overlay into the background 
a clock ticking that no one hears
except for me in quieter places
then there’s the music 
always the playlist of my life 
shifting to the forefront 
and I can’t ever find my pencil 
when I need it most.

Registration photo of carter skaggs for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

self portrait of a fawn

nearby a creek babbles, laughing like a child
one with cherry red cherub cheeks
humor doused in doses of naiveté

i’m reminded of myself here—
freckled like a forest floor,
a honeysuckle-sweet streak

faithful as little ones nestled neatly beneath a fig tree
mosquitoes form a halo above a tangled brown mess of hair
newborn legs tremble like leaves in wind

nowadays my heart is royal
though at times the flesh forgets,
lost as morning light filters through leaf canopies
dappled like a fawn’s soft speckled fleece

Registration photo of Tania Horne for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

I said I would never like Ohio

with that flat expanse of dusty fields,
the shaggy business strips,
and brusque Midwestern replies
made me wish for a valley to hide in.

My ears clamored to hear
the saccharine politeness of shop owners,
not honest and cool indifference.
Buy it or not, they don’t care.
They don’t know your momma.

But oh that sky –
I never tire of the sky –
the blast of light across the soybeans
as the storm runs down to the river,
or the fog hanging in the morning
like a misplaced cloud.
The hot bright blue of july
not obscured by any mountain.
The night stars answered
by fireflies below.

After 15 years we get some greetings,
Some nods to our son, born here.
The small town doesn’t fully trust,
but welcomes us on the edges,
we are still in the trial period. 

I kind of like Ohio.


Summer in Milwaukee: 2

Even after the rain,
summer storms seem to hang
just above the trees
that have stopped their swaying,
conscious of the thick quiet. 

Registration photo of Jerielle for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Bicycle Riders (Another Movie Review)

To be a child, left behind
Dad’s run off to Mexico

So do as you please
have plenty of sugar
but don’t watch tv

Mom’s working and sad
Big brother’s kinda mean
but he’s got your back
and a most excellent promise

the bicycle a symbol
of progress and freedom
the phone, another invention
to put us in touch

Frogs absorb the world through their skin
Their hearts under threat from dissection and chloroform
just like in Black Stallion
Our hero knows to free them

“Is he OK?”
“He’s feeling everything”
and Elliot is too
and little Gertie
in real life abandoned and abused

42 years later, Mathison’s still not heeded
What is it about the world
which still doesn’t understand
The power of feeling and the power of love

John Williams score creates so much emotion
and when the bicycle gang rides into the sky
our hearts soar
once again, for Brotherhood and freedom
but also for trusting those feelings

One thing about that movie
besides giving two men
the most illustrious careers-
It sold a lot of Reeses
and it probably stopped children
from dissecting live creatures in school
after 1982


In Search Of

I wrote another poem but
It may not have gotten my point across
Maybe it’s because it’s lost 
Behind a cloud of thick, invasive thoughts
And I’ll keep this short as possible–
I used to escape them by all and any means,
Drugs, sex, food, and/or sleep
And I promise that all I’ve ever wanted
Is a few minutes of quiet and peace
So I’ve found some time to write it out
I guess there’s that, at least

Registration photo of Arwen for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Stream of Consciousness, dental edition

I’m brushing fluoride on my teeth
     And thinking of my favorite hygienist who gave it to me –
     I like her because she let me escape before the dentist came
     With a TED talk about chipping out my silver fillings
     And replacing them with her new car I mean crowns 
     I don’t believe in looking for trouble and my hygienist knows
     Unless they hurt me, I will leave them alone and that’s fair

     Then I think of my grandmother and the Alzheimer’s
     And the fluoride – for a minute I consider Ramifications but
     She didn’t have anyone painting fluoride on her teeth
     And still was not spared and how again maybe
     I should not go looking for troublesome things to worry about
     And how the hygienist whose name I should know by now said
Paint it on at night and sleep. It’ll brush off in the morning. 

Registration photo of Patrick Johnson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


I believe 
for no other reason 
than knowing 
what I know 
that at one point 
in the great expanse 
a cataclysmic galactic 
white hot flash 
tore us apart 
send us spinning 
lost in the void 
and it’s taken us this long
to find our way
to this rock
to struggle against 
things that don’t matter
and finally be able
to look back up at the sky
toward the birth canal
of it all
wonder why 
anyone has the audacity 
to believe that 
anything matters 
than the moment happening 
right now


A Love Letter to June

I’ve been avoiding looking at what day it is

Worried you’re almost over,

I’ve never thought about my favorite time

But I think it’s you

Orange and pink sunsets,

A few cool nights

Sunny days that last forever

Lake water that makes you never want to dry off,

Ferris wheels and funnel cakes

Writing poetry on a picnic table

Hikes through the mountains,

And day long road trips

No deadlines, no jackets,

Only a few days of rain

Your morning breeze smells like hope,

And your grass is the perfect green


You’re my Mammaw’s middle name,

And I’d like to think this is why

Maybe one day I’ll pass that on,

Wildflowers bloom like crazy

Love is all around

The mourning doves sing your songs,

And the kids are all home from school

The windows down,

And ice cream that’s never tasted so good

Lunch on a patio,

And laughter fills the air

Pride fills the town,

And concerts boom loud

You are a work of art

That I never want to put down

Thank you for being you, June