You are fire

I can see the flames dancing in your eyes

A single spark resulted in unimaginable destruction

You choke me with your smoke and your lies

You destroyed me with a single touch

You turned me to ash with a look


You’re lava

You melted my heart with beautiful words

I didn’t realize that you were hurting me until you left me empty

You gave me scars that can’t be concealed

You burn me as you slide down my throat and sit in the bottom of my stomach, just boiling

The stench of burning flesh fills my lungs and I can’t breathe

Not even to whisper “stop”

Walls, trees, fences, boundaries

Nothing can stop you

Unless you’re put out

Unless you are hardened to a halt

But even so, the damage is still there

The char never washes out

The carnage is left behind

The smoke will always linger

-I guess I just shouldn’t have played with fire