Running through the sprinklers
daughters in tow, pigtails flying, barefoot on green
lush grass, no fear of stepping on yellow jackets.

At Heather’s birthday party, he shook the can and spritzed
white froth inside their open baby bird mouths giggling
as the froth spilled onto smiling faces.

Putting quarter after quarter into the slots
of mechanical painted horses in front of Kmart till
Holly stopped asking, “More Daddy!”

Feeding white bread crusts to the ducks with his girls
by his side on his only day off giving me a mommy
break as he chauffeured them to Jacobsen Park.

Holding hands Halloween night, marching them house
to house as they filled their pillowcases with Reeses,
Red Twizzlers, Milk Duds, wearing princess costumes,
Jessica Rabbit, or as a human Pom-Pom. Patiently he waited,
as they rang the doorbells shouting, “Trick or Treat”.

Beaming with pride, tapping his foot during band competitions 
to the drum rolls, grinning holding flags for both high schools,
and spent Christmas Day watching band videos, his favorite gift of all.

Just wish he was here now
to spread his Boompa joy
with Joey, Nicholas, and Jaxson
his three grandsons.