A drunken night in 
Panama City
A heated fever dream
or was it?
A young lady named Fran
From a far away place
Her accent had me at
“Snake bites anyone?”
And a smirk
She slid me that shot
from the other side
of the bar
Auburn brown waves
Just long enough
Too brisk
Where the summer sun
And French lace kissed
The small of her back
Under her linen white
t-shirt dress

Her tan lines
highlighting the 
And curiosity
The spring break of 
I’d swar it was real
Patrón on the rocks
with a “Fancy salt rim”
The lime she bit
From my sunburnt lips
That led us to the deck
A skip and a jump
Hand in hand
To the pier
Down under the strip
The salt on her skin
The tide rolled in
As she kissed
My shoulder and 
“There’s the moon”

I never thought I’d find
That type of wonder
In a person again
Whom I’d just met

But there you were
And here we are
And the rush of who I thought
I was ceases to exist
You take me there
That place inside
Where my heart jumps
from my rib cage
The hair stands on the back
of my neck
Mouth watering
I crave every ounce of you

In a crowded street
with local beers
And summer salt on our skin

We have more now
Than we ever dreamt
And we aren’t even 
finished yet

We have been 
In every existience 

I’ll meet you for a
In this valley
and every valley
Enjoy the view 
of you
all that we’ve created
from every angle

Never before
has a being 
exposed my core
Lie down with me
on any battlefield 
lick the salt
from my wounds
and ravage my center
of me 
all at once
It all led me
To you.
I need it every time