Today is my Birthday 
Memories of holding a winning Bingo card at St. Timothy’s Friday night church bazaar 
The fat man at the mike calls “B-13” Lucky #13

13, so lucky, Otis Elevator Co. nearly forced to omit 13 from their stops

Today on this 13th day of June I wake in San Juan as the morning dove sings “Happy Birthday to me!”

Father Junipero Serra’s spirit looms over the Mission courtyard in the center of the town square 
far away from the mention of any triskadekaphobic fears
no citings of 13 floor buildings 
no malookia 13 Spirits to cast bad luck spells
no ah too bad you’re born on the 13th

Instead it’s today a lucky 13 day
wrapped in morning dove’s Happy B-day song 
telling me this is my “go get ’em Tiger Year”

Hugged in the arms of this sleepy California Mission town