Richard Fenyman was the only person to see the Trinity explosion
with naked eyes. He decided he wouldn’t see through dark goggles,
so he climbed into the cab of a truck facing the test site.
The truck windshield protected his eyes from ultraviolet rays.

The fireball turned from dark to white to a spectacular yellow
and then to red. After five seconds the darkness returned but with air
and sky filled with a purple glow. The shock wave from the blast
sucked up chunks of dirt from the desert soil.

Some of it melted and settled, cooling into a radioactive green glass
called trintite. Some of it floated away. Tiny portions
ended up in a river east of Alamogordo and was taken
to a strawboard factory being used to pack Kodak X-ray film.

When the final exosure was developed it was mottled
with dark blotches and tiny pinpoint stars. A trickster, Richard,
played bongos on the mesa. He revealed locker combinations
including silly notes and thus exposed nuclear secrets.