What is just punishment when war
Is declared on little brown children?
Their screams echo cold terror’s play,
Brain cells shrink,  fear steals the day.  

Mothers’ grief drills death so deep
So comforts offered wind up thrown
Beneath brown feet. Anguish awash
With babies snatched beyond their ken.  

Once we sold black slaves’ families away,
But America had grown a conscience.
How Now do we face this shame besmirching
Red white and blue? Take a knee and cry.  

Shout and rage, refuse to let our country
Become a haven for those who trample
Babies to place them in a concentrated pen
So far from love their souls are stunted.  

Do not forget Arab camps where little ones
Learned to hate and all of us lived to pay
The dearest price for that ignored folly.
And we never, never learn. Take a knee and cry.