I grow weary of nails down the chalkboard of my brain
Internal wailing shipwrecked in bottled tears
Oppressive heat of resentful impotence and angry fears
Oscillating between desperation for a sympathetic shoulder
And intentional isolating in my impatience and introversion

And so I shall try to point the compass of my mind toward
Counting the day’s blessings

My teen’s legs draped over mine
Reclining in comfort and quiet
Taking a minute to laze our way into the day

The simplicity of the whole family in attendance
Around the table for a morning meal

The surprising almost-pleasure and relative calm
Of a new discovered freeway-free backroad route
To ease unnecessary pressure in a necessary trip.

Banter with a delightful medical staff
Who encourage petting of a giant puppy
Offer weighty book recommendations with a side of silliness
Note chosen pronouns sans prompting
Wrapping skills in finesse and thoroughness

Salt and butter play on taste buds
Fingers casually touch over popped corn

A cool drink of water in the cool of a summer night
Comforting drone of evening insects
Help steady the rise and fall of my chest.