When I was 4

My parents were fighting loudly in the other room
They didn’t realize I was playing with a music box
It fell and broke
I have a scar on my upper left chest from it.
When I was 5
My parents finalized their divorce and we moved
My mom moved in with my grandmother
I would see my dad every other weekend
Until later in high school.
When I was 13
My relationship with my dad and stepmom soured
I was becoming fully formed in my identity
And that did not fall in step with their march
“This is just a phase.”
When I was 27
I married the love of my life
My dad came to see me get married along with his wife and my stepsister
They refused to eat and left as soon as ny first dance was over
Bitter that I had both my mom and dad walking me down the aisle. 
Years of dropping off slowly
The child should not have to be the one to maintain
The eldest daughter should not bear the brunt of relationship
I’m tired.