Pandemic disease
unrest and unease
stuck at home, Lord
I am weary
Watching the news
like pushing a bruise
writhing in anguish
tormented, teary

Virus and hate reel
corner and still
beat and break ’til
we’re ripped at the soul
What can we do
closed minds askew
not willing to
examine their role

Frustration and lack
of creative attack
stunned, unfocused
we sit, we wonder
Dear Muse, bid come
bring hope, rich sums
Effect resolve
Not to wander

except to a place
of love and grace
Get out of ourselves
Work’s overdue and
worthy to pursue
stack cures upon cures
inside heart shelves

I may be tired
plunged deep and mired
but can lay down
mindless chatter
Open my mind
take risks and find
common ground
because it matters

Mother Teresa was smart
Though small I can start
go home and love
family and neighbor
One block, then two
building anew
day by day with
mercy we labor

Don’t turn your heads
nor ignore the threads
nor fall victim
to indifference
Keep company with me
together let us agree
to mend the broken
both sides of the fence