“‘Earth may be a place of education’”
what are you willing to live with
what are you willing to put up with
what can you not live without
to what are you willing to say no more
what do you need
what will you do with what you have
what are you willing to give
what do those around you need
what can you learn from earth
what can you pass on to earth and others
what is the difference between need and want
what are your joys and how do you deal with those
what are your sadnesses and how do you deal with those
what brings sorrow & regret and how do you deal with those
for what will you forgive yourself and other selves
how human are you willing to be
will you slip away willingly into the river, soil, or sky
when your turn comes
“‘I suspect that Earth may be a place of education.’” Watershed Tracy K. Smith, poem a day/poets.org