Posts for June 24, 2017 (page 3)


Manifesto No. 16

Social Justice Warrior
To me means a college kid
In a balaclava
Pepper spraying a co-ed
While protected by campus police

But it may mean something different to you

Each word so rich in texture

Warrior – a person whose profession it is to kill

Justice – Official fairness
As officials change and change and change
What is fair
It was Just to gas a Jew in 1942
And Just to throw a gay off a tall building today
In some places

Social – means a lot of things
From ice cream to media
But combined with justice
Has always been another synonym
For socialism

Now Marx may have been the most smartest genius
Who ever thunk a thought
But his ideas have been tried and tried and tried
And succeeded exactly zero times
In Venezuela right now it’s working so well
The average guy’s lost 20 pounds

When I was young we were taught to say
Question Authority

But a Social Justice Warrior
By definition
Must have some authority 
They cannot question

They wouldn’t kill in the name of nothing
Would they?


Trigger Warning

he is nothingnow. with a
broken shadow between
his thighs, a swingin’ sorrow.

he is hollownow. he rattles in
the breeze, a subhuman calabash
spilling calamity on the shoulders

of the chaste… hate him. he is
haze. his Great Faith composed
of a flimsy fabric. he believes in

nothing but decaynow. himself. bacteriabody; a polluted penis,
an askewed skeet…

he is manless-minded. soulless. if
you see him, you should SHOUT! no;
if you see him, you must shoot to kill.


found among the found

in the sleeve of night
you dream a story 
first ghost
in a mean sleep

in the lap of spring
remember the tender
green openings in their
gone-to-seed garden

A found poem among the titles of Karen George’s found poems.


I Unfriend the Sun

Sorry.  I used to worship you; bare
my skin to your golden rays like
a supplicant.  I allowed you access
to the most intimate parts
of my anatomy.

You, in return, dispensed
vitamins A and D, burnished
my whiteness to a warm, amber glow.

I thought we were on the same page, thought
we had a flare for each other.

You tricked me.  You exposed me.

All those years of naked devotion,
senseless!  I never dreamed
your ultra-violet tongue could be
so cruel, turning my own flesh against me,
causing scaly dots on the surface
to spread tendrils of basal cell cancer below,
like vicious gossip.

You’ve burned me one too many times.
I’m blocking you.


I have a Sore Throat



Summer Postcard

Lost the path during time off. 
Recreation, recreate, do all over again. 
Vacation, vacate, empty your spot. 
Abdication, abdicate, drop your title. 
In other words: 
What you have is not good enough. 
You leave your nest behind you. 
Stop the car, you want out. 
And besides that, 
Bugs bite,
Sun burns,
Sand scratches, 
Icees melt,
Kin fight,
Food costs, 
Engine overheats,
Motels fill, 
Gas evaporates,
Sunscreen spills,
Towels mildew



Montego Bay

Montego Bay  

I go to the front desk
& ask the woman there
to call me a taxi. 

She stares at me like a cat,
waiting to leap
into grass.

She calls a tourist van.
She tells the driver
you are sick.  

Tells him
I need to go
to a pharmacy.

The driver tells me
we will have to go far
so late at night.

He wants to know
if the lady
told me the price.

I tell him no.
He tells me
it will be $50.

He says
he will only accept
American dollars.

I tell him I have no choice
I will have to pay
& he drives away.

He drives
& tells me things
about the city

that I do not care for.
He stops at a pharmacy
half an hour later.  

I enter,
passing a security guard,
eyeing me like a flight attendant,

assessing whether I’ll be
a safety concern
as midnight closing approaches.

When I tell the pharmacist
that I don’t have a prescription,
she puts six pills in a small,

zip plastic bag,
& will only take payment
in American dollars.

When the driver
takes me back
to the hotel,

he comes in
after me
& goes to the desk clerk.

He gives the lady her share
& leaves.
The pills work for you.

If you, dear reader,
think you have read
these words before:

the ordeal must not
have been your first
dog & pony show.


The Quantum Entango

We were never parallel.

The initial attraction despite
our different modes of being
too strong for either one
of us to walk away from.

Our azimuths differed
by just a few degrees
that stayed the same on paper
as they widened with time.

The nest emptied out
and exposed a wide gulf
but not before its occupants
cemented a kind of
quantum entanglement
between  their parents.

Now we dance that arrhythmic
Quantum Entango you see people
doing as their parties wind down
maintaining what Einstein called
spooky action at a distance while
still living under one roof.


How to Ruin a Date, Part Deux

How to Ruin a Date, Part Deux

I thought to ask
why you didn’t

show up
but I didn’t–

even if you had,
even when I did,

our hearts
were feinting

behind other


The Patrons

The patrons signatures are
jockey silks as they swoosh by.
With IQs of rack wine and craft beer,
they cannot hear the little buttercreams
who lie on the counter ample as Germantown.
By george, they’ll dance a high rye around Louisville!
Their Saturday morning seize; a most elaborate social standard.