Posts for June 17, 2019 (page 5)



I watch from the back unseen
as she comes in late and walks
down the aisle to my old seat
which is empty of me as prey.

I watch myself as though
outside myself.  I’m trying
to protect us both
from my cruelty.

She wants to consume me,
suck marrow from my bones.

I feel a little bad about this,
but not bad enough
to be drawn and quartered.



“Happy Father’s Day!” I thought angrily as I walked back home,
Rather than driving with the nuclear family to see her larger family.
Feels hotter inside me than out.
I thought, now sadly: How did this happen?
Just then, her car appeared, turning the corner
In front of me and coming my way.
Relieved, I looked forward to fixing my errors
And hopping in to resume our trip.
But, she zoomed on past.
I hadn’t realized yet that the reappearance
Was only the result of taking the long U-turn
Of going around the block
To leave without me.
Happy Father’s Day.



we’ve learned to distill moments
into square boxes, is it only
worth living if a hundred smiling
circles think it so? will i remember
the way she squeezed my hand
on the dance floor, and drove
me home in the dark, or will i
count the taptap of her thumbs instead?
the day someone gives me the stars
and i learn to trust my own eyes
i think i’ll call it breathing


i’m still trying to figure out if i love you

i’m still trying to figure out
if i love you
and i know that sounds harsh
i know it comes across as if
i’m being rigid and bitter
towards you
that i’m being an angry, hostile teenager
but i don’t want to lie

and don’t get me wrong
i’ll still try to be kind to you
because i still appreciate
everything you sacrificed
everything you did
everything you pushed through
because life didn’t deal you a kind hand;

and yet,
i don’t know if that justifies love
because there are things you did—-
things you still do—-
that unsettle me
and i’m still struggling
through this murky water
and i think you are too
and that’s okay

but i’m filled with guilt
and i’m sorry
that i didn’t wish you
“Happy Father’s Day!”


Fingers interlaced at the edges of everything

In the beginning, we were one love,
who, after eternities together,
wanted more love.
So we said Yes. Then 
we separated ourselves
into light and darkness.
We were dawn and we were dusk.
Our fingers interlaced
at the edges of everything.

At a distance, I looked on your light, and I saw you
beautiful in ways I’d never known. You pondered
my dark complexity, defined the many edges of me.
We began this slow dance, arms encircling space.

Carefully we turn, observing
the worlds birthing between us, watching 
innumerable lives mirror every detail of our own. 
They expand it, they explain it, they expose it,
they live it, live it, live it — 
they live it to the end.
When they die, they die our love.

All our births are infinite agony.
All our deaths bliss.  


The Great Leap Forward

the Great Leap Forward out
                 of the gothic South

                        of Jones Street
to Broadway’s model home
         with arched doorways
                    leaded windows
                   a shower curtain and dad
  starving children of China
                               over peas


Má Sorte

Má sorte! We were
such a smashing design,
a living poem,
a wicked play. We were
the creators and the created –
until a few bit players 
seized starring roles.



you can only fold a piece of paper eleven times 
No matter how large 
What if it were as large as a flag 
what if it were an enormous sail 
Could you fold it seventy times seven 
Could you bend back once again 
Im shocked, still 
By the number of whirling stars in the sky 
Darkening and darkening again. 
Here you are and you’re white heat 
Here I am , moving slow meanwhile 
Everything inside my head’s moving delirious high speed 
  Wan and glum but there’s real love
In the squared oval cast of my face
 pinned til daylight


Winging It

A sky dense with snow geese
black-tipped wings wide
an ensemble inches apart
yet they maintain their distance
without collision—onyx eyes,
orange beaks, necks extended,
bodies intent on the way forward.

Doesn’t the loud sound or current
of flapping disrupt them?

O, to be that concentrated, united,
each a perfect mirror of the other.