Posts for June 25, 2023 (page 5)


in between storms

in between storms
say the weather people
a few hours and then
well, we should be ready
have a plan
basement or the best we can do
I chuckle at the relevance
isn’t that what life is
always in between storms
or if not that extreme, the minor rainy days
so I ask myself 

     what’s my plan
basement or higher ground
call for backup or forge ahead
when will I know it’s time to begin
or end
maybe carry on, as I was

in between storms
complete with tiny outbursts
heart and mind anticipating the worst
can’t I simply rely
on what I know is the method
tried and true
with proof I’m still here
and that’s relevant
life is lived in both
the gray and the yellow
continue despite it all

     that’s my plan
onto higher ground
I will forge ahead
never comprehending the timing
or anything, really
only carry on, until


Can someone unplug my brain? I don’t care to think anymore

How did I get here

Counting praises like it’s all I have left to do

Dreading plans that I made

Spitting into a sink that’s not mine

Every little thing I do

Every person I love

Every idea I believe

Every step I take

Feels like it

Doesn’t fucking matter

What do I want

Who am I becoming

Why do I care

Every night I have to think of a phantom hand around my throat

Before I can drift off into dreamless sleep

Everything I’ve built

What does it matter

If I don’t want it anymore


The Knobs in Summer

On their alluvium bed,
lazing in green calico pajamas all summer,

the knobs stretch and curl their limestone ridges
like bony knees, hips, shoulders

to make crooks and hollows 
where Methanites and ditch lilies flourish,

smooth the loamy coverlet
where Mennonites quilt farms,

snuggle their back against Green River,
draw the moon down for a pillow,

head full of monadnock dreams
and the nighthawk’s lullaby.

Registration photo of Kim Kayne Shaver for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Hummingbird Feeder

Hangs from a rusty wrought-iron hook
nailed onto the railing of our tiny porch 
with the haint blue ceiling 
off of our bedroom.
There is no exact science
to mixing the color haint blue, 
but my husband figured out something–
his intention are always good.

How nice it would be–
if someone would hang a feast 
out for me–one I could fly to whenever, 
sip a little, breathe in the local landscape, see
what it’s like to just be–
all racing wings and heartbeat, 
spectaculat green feathers,
a ruby throat,
brandishing a beak.

Today those vibrant little hummers
have found the firecarackers–
shimmering fuchsia bee balm,
reaching up to the blue, blue sky–
they were your idea, along with the daisies 
and dark yellow black-eyed Susan’s

I like it when we sit out here
with our morning coffee
planning what we might do next,
under our haint blue sky,
hoping for a life 
without too much mischief.


Farming is a glamorous job

Contrary to popular belief

Farming is a glamorous job 
Each day the sun herself 
Blushes my cheeks 
The dust of the earth 
Powders my nose 
And terra and clay 
Manicure my nails 
I’m applauded by my tractor engine 
As I pass through fields 
On my mowing steed 
The grasses throw confetti
That decorate my limbs all the day long 
Like desperate fans 
Ticks cling to me 
When I pass close to their homes 
The wasps come out 
And greet me with a kiss 
I am so adored by weeds
They refuse to leave 
As Mary with Jesus 
The fields douse my feet 
In precious dew 
My socks feel soggy praises all the day long 
The sweet perfume I spray 
It’s scent, the beetles say, is to die for  
Spiders decorate my barn 
In silvery silk 
A party just for me
Ready to jump out and yell surprise 
Sometimes I think it’s all too much for me 
The glamour, the praise, the ardor 
But as night approaches 
And my show is done 
I look over my fields 
At the firefly poparazzi
Perhaps I can endure the limelight just a little longer 

Registration photo of Ariana Alvarado for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Fear (Or, A Love Poem to Anxiety and Depression)

False gods rest on their knees, begging 

For our forgiveness. We carry our fear 
Like shields against the same sun
From too many summers ago. 
I have longed for this stillness:
The wind rushing it’s fingertips
Through the trees in my backyard.
There are ghosts in every hallway
Of my home. I bear my teeth
To scare away anything
I do not know. 


Doors in Rows and Lines Await

(after the 1915 drawing “Meditation,” by Jav Zrzav)

Saplings rise above me,
reminders of my place
and part in this incarnation.
Eyes gently shut so I may see
the budding One within me, glowing
against the darkness of not-sleep,
the meter of my breath forgotten,
I open the rest of Me, welcoming
whatever comes to join my Path.
My left hand resting on my breast —
someone did that for me once,
in a world so vastly old and different —
reminds of the nurturing Mother.
My right is crossed above my heart,
not as some sign of my allegiance
but of my mortality, that what I fail
will try me again the next time here,
while tests passed will form foundations.
I am not yet One with Everything,
but I’ve been blessed with the chance.

Registration photo of Les the Mess for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.


Sunday words are said and heard;
Learn from love bird.

Registration photo of Austen for the LexPoMo 2023 Writing Challenge.

Hope Treads

A steep drop off from
the cold bottom step, my
toes scrape the rough
concrete bottom, the
level bobs between my
lips and nose, makes me sputter.

You are collar bones above
the surface, unaware
of my tightened breathing, 
eyes ever scanning
around me.
Your body glides, splashes spontaneous.


I blindly ride my
invisible underwater bike just
to breathe.
Ears tuned in to your frequency, the
background chatter like
smeared paint in a landscape.

You could offer mercy, let me
sit on your knee and rest, whisper
love in my ear, but
you continue the game.

I hear your mischievous
smile in your voice, not warm, but
sharp as the edge of a blade.





i want my love don’t speak i haven’t

I want to be loved lovingly like a lover loves

 I want to know that my love
  I want to know that my love is not 
   I want to know that my love is celebrated 
My love knows no bounds when unbounded
 My love is a fire storm tornado Barreling
   My love is not a thing to be trifled with 
    My love offers salvation a new you
Don’t speak ill of me when I’m absent
 Don’t speak ill of me to my own enemy
  Don’t speak ill of me to my brother 
     Don’t speak ill of me to yourself
I haven’t any more of me to offer 
 I haven’t any more of me to give 
  I haven’t any more of me to call myself 
   I haven’t any more of me to live