Posts for June 8, 2024 (page 11)




        All these years,
        I have kept.
        I have not painted you
        nude except–

        unless the words
        across the line
        and down, words
        that lay my feelings

        bare– count as
        my betrayal.


redesign: process and results

I very rarely like UI redesigns.
usually THE INDUSTRY makes everything worse and worse
but I like that and sister site added
links to each other on corresponding word pages, which open in a new tab.
this is very convenient for me. It’s what I’ve always wanted!
thank you, web designers!
thank you for doing something for me, For Me, for ME—
for once.

Don’t mutter darkly at me.
Don’t spill your ill will every
where, staining the carpet, and slosh
ing in my ears.

I don’t mean to ruin my gratitude
with malice and passive_aggression.
I just wish everyone else could be good like you.
does it not make you feel good when I prop you
up, while putting others down?

Does it make you feel good?

No, but—

then, why?

I didn’t learn any other way.
How should I do it?

You could—

How will things improve if I don’t criticize?
How will I improve if my parents don’t criticize me?
How will I learn that I’m inherently wrong and bad
!!a blight!!
missing the mark,
despite all their attempts
in spite of how GOOD they are—such GOOD PEOPLE—
and everyone LOVES them—
what went wrong?
//With me


The Warrior

She has fallen many times and felt the sharp pain of defeat.
She feared her enemy would know she’d become very weak.
She fights many battles every single day.
A warrior’s heart. Full of open wounds, but she toughs it out and pretends she’s okay.
Because warriors don’t mourn until each battle has been won.
And the emotion she picks to unravel can not easily be undone.
She’s severely hurt and in tremendous danger.
And as she looks in the mirror, the person staring back is a stranger.
Bruises that run deep, gaping wounds, and broken bones.
Thousands of people could surround her, and she’d still somehow feel alone.
Pick up your sword. You’re not done fighting.
Don’t expose yourself. Just leave your emotions here in writing.
Don’t give them an advantage. Don’t let them get too close.
Alliances are like tear gas; if they get too close, she’ll choke.
Don’t back down. Stand up. Stand tall.
Don’t you dare give them the satisfaction of seeing your sword fall.
“For though the righteous may fall seven times, they will soon rise again.”
So she receives the full armor of God, lifts the sword once more, and whispers, “Amen.”

Registration photo of Mrs Ladybug for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


lets go on an adventure
but dont forget the picnic basket
or our boots and the extra socks
driving down the backroads
windows down and music up
holding hands and singing off key
these are our favorite memories

Registration photo of Bethany Robinson for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

You said never again

Dust from the hole in the wall slowly coming down like a flurry
You whisper, “I didn’t mean to do that.”

“That’s not who I am. I promised to never do it again” this wishful hope that these broken promises will keep me there.

Do you like what you see?

Torn, broken, bits of who I was splattered all over the place

Destroyed by words, by anger

Falling to bits like drywall from a punched in hole

Content Warning

The poet decided this submission may have content that's not for everyone. If you'd like to see it anyway, please click the eyeball icon.

Registration photo of Wayne Willis for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Family Tree

Studied the family tree.
To learn about who I am
And found

I am descended from
A long, long line of
Dead people.

Registration photo of Shawn Justice for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Elvis Is Dead

Just girls of summer
that hot day
under the 100 year oak
our picnic was devine. 

The sweet lemonade of childhood
our lives were perfect. 

You brought your new 
transistor radio with 
those huge size C batteries. 

“Elvis is dead.” lofting above our heads.
into the oak leaves
tossed in the breeze
ruined our innocent world. 

You ran away crying
forgetting your transistor  
with its disgustingly large batteries
i spilled my shitty made-from-a-chemical-mix

Leaving me to gather the remnants
of our day
this wedded us for life
shaping our dysfunction.  

For better or worse
we we were no longer 
just girls of summer. 

Registration photo of Linda Bryant for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Richard Fenyman’s Looking Glass

Richard Fenyman was the only person to see the Trinity explosion
with naked eyes. He decided he wouldn’t see through dark goggles,
so he climbed into the cab of a truck facing the test site.
The truck windshield protected his eyes from ultraviolet rays.

The fireball turned from dark to white to a spectacular yellow
and then to red. After five seconds the darkness returned but with air
and sky filled with a purple glow. The shock wave from the blast
sucked up chunks of dirt from the desert soil.

Some of it melted and settled, cooling into a radioactive green glass
called trintite. Some of it floated away. Tiny portions
ended up in a river east of Alamogordo and was taken
to a strawboard factory being used to pack Kodak X-ray film.

When the final exosure was developed it was mottled
with dark blotches and tiny pinpoint stars. A trickster, Richard,
played bongos on the mesa. He revealed locker combinations
including silly notes and thus exposed nuclear secrets.

Registration photo of Laura Foley for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.


stop, for a moment, and think about this–
our bodies are designed to intake sustenance
through our mouths and expel
solid waste through our digestive system

teaching us the lesson of absorbing what 
brings us lifeenergy
and discarding that which does not

our skin serves as the barrier that
protects all within, though sun
and water and tiny creatures
do travese the layers, to greater 
or lesser impact

our genitals serve as entry 
or exit for reproduction
and also allow for the
expelling of liquid waste

our noses
assist in respiration
and sensing and 
catching small particles 
in their nostril hair

the external ears are designed
to scoop up sound waves
and spin them into the 
inner ear for decoding

but have you ever thought 
about the purpose of tear ducts?
they turn inner pain or strong emotion
into physical droplets that our bodies

from inner experience to external physical objects–
there is a lesson there, no?

Registration photo of Jazzy for the LexPoMo 2024 Writing Challenge.

Love Letter

My child

My heart beats for you
My heart beats for two


Inside me for a while
Inside my heart for eternity

Unbreakable bond

I loved you before I knew your name
I will love you unconditionally forever and a day


Love Mamma