LexPoMo Participants

Total poets:
Sabne Raznik is from Eastern Kentucky and has published online as well as in the US and Ireland. She founded and coedits the ezine "AvantAppal(achia)" and coedits "North/South Appalachia". She has published three full-length collections "Following Hope", "Linger To Look", and "Rabbit Hole" as well as a homemade chapbook called "Marrow" for the benefit of childhood cancer research via St. Jude's Hospital. She has been an actor in Community Theatre and won awards as a visual artist.
Reason for signing up
Continuing ongoing projects and likes the challenge.
Reason for signing up
I love writing and reading poetry!
Photo of Shaun Turner
Shaun Turner writes and teaches in central Kentucky. Check out his published work at http://shaunturnerwrites.com
Reason for signing up
To read and share poetry with fellow writers and poets!
Reason for signing up
I have several friends in the group and they made it sound amazing! I need this!