After Kevin Nance’s Doomscroll    

The world is crashing    even the alligator quivers in its burrow      a lone egret chokes in the yellowed marsh     somewhere a child questions the sky     and the ant stores deep into its season    always someone’s finger itchy with hate     shattering the stained glass of our illusions    our shopping carts rudderless     abandoned     classes spewing survival instead of history     as we face walls       their shadowed reality      clouds find it hard to spark our daily pleasure    sweet grass lost beneath bare feet    instead  eyes shift and startle at random sounds       a woman wilding in the park       the  driver feared quick to anger  

In such tides of uncertainty     what is left       to those who carry sandbags in the fume of storms        who sow kindness in the gardens of strangers     who wield pens as lanterns through the dark        who stand before tanks in moral stillness        nothing      but to rise like a green blade through concrete       an unruly cinder from ash     the siren of song in dying air      nothing      but to reach a hand       to be the one who answers       hope