For my writing group, my brilliant friends

We are passionate women
torch bearers of varying ages and backgrounds
some without degrees, some with PhDs
all serious of talent, full of hospitality
bonded together by affection for words
and for the world led by unrelenting
conviction to curate the past
make sense of the present
brainstorm the future

Our ensemble sings the fragrance of daily life
paying stark attention to the minute
the seemingly unimportant details 
painting our pursuits with an array of color 
sharing experiences and recording
family history that might otherwise be lost

We are a circle of trust and support
breaths of courage and creativity
empathizers and sympathizers hoping
to help heal crushed hearts in a broken world
saying “it’s okay” or “it’s not okay” and
gently reminding “sitting beside you is my privilege”

We are a true and proper space
for reflection and respite
giving life to inspiration
celebrating innovation
cultivating peace and truth
striving for justice and a clear voice

We are clusters of wonder and wanderlust
a menagerie of magic and stardust
elements of power and tenderness
casting unabashed marrow 
into a sea without nets