“Your shoes are untied.”
He looked down
He was wearing loafers
He chuckled
He knew it was a silly joke.

I once called him “Booger-Face,” and he caught himself starting to check to see if he indeed had boogers under his nose.
But he knew he didn’t.

I was thinking, what if someone–not me, of course–called the highest elected official in the land–someone with a bit of an ego–“Booger-Face”?
Would he tweet, “I am NOT a booger-face–fake news!  Apologize!”
What if someone–again, not me–posted every day that the chief executive was a “Booger-Face”?
What if groups of protestors marched holding signs that read, “IMPEACH BOOGER-FACE!”
What if talk-show hosts referred to him as “Booger-Face-in-Chief?”
What if reporters addressed him as “Mr. Booger-Face?”
Would they be arrested?
What if someone–not me, ever–posted and shared pictures of said leader with boogers dangling from his nostrils?
Would he introduce a bill making it a felony to call him that name?
So, don’t do it.
Don’t call him “Booger-Face.”